ICS03 Digital Approaches to Cultural Heritage: Places, artefacts and images

15 credit module: Spring semester (January - March 2023)
20 credit module also available for continuing students and SAS students
Venue: Room 349, Senate House
Dr Gabriel Bodard, Institute of Classical Studies
This module offers the opportunity to revisit a range of ancient sources spanning history, visual and material culture, and landscape from the perspective of digital humanities approaches.
We will focus on collaborative, multidisciplinary and quantitative methods in data acquisition, analysis, dissemination and teaching, while addressing historical research questions. Students will be introduced to a wide range of projects, tools, methodologies and technical approaches around data organisation, standardisation and visualisation, geographical annotation and analysis, 3D scanning and imaging of material culture, and computer aided design of lost or incomplete architecture.
Students will be offered a blended combination of introductory lectures putting structured and enhanced data in the context of classical historical and archaeological sources; a series of online “common sessions” co-taught with colleagues internationally and attended by a cohort of students from around the world; local practical tutorials and theory seminars, to reinforce the lectures with materials from local projects and discussion of the course readings. Students will have the opportunity to implement some of the skills learned in the module, designing their own project, by agreement with the course tutor, which will be assessed along with a short report on the work.
Assessment (15 credit module): 1 practical project + 2,000 word written report.
Assessment (20 credit module): 1 practical project + 2,000 word written report + 10-minute oral presentation.
Common sessions programme (Weekly asynchronous online lecture:1 hour 30 minutes)
Seminars/tutorials programme (Tuesdays at 11:00-12:30)