The Institute is currently home to two long-running research projects. The Ancient Theatre Project aims to identify and catalogue the wide range of extant archaeological and iconographic evidence for Greek and Roman drama. Results of the project to date have been published in a series of BICS Supplements, and plans for the digitisation of the Theatre Archive are now well in hand.
With some 10,000 extant examples spanning more than 1500 years, Aegean seals and sealings provide major insights into the Greek Bronze Age. The Aegean Seals Project seeks to facilitate study in this rich field and has supported work on the seals' database, available through ARACHNE.
The Institute is also collaborating in the Naukratis Project.
The Prosopography of the Byzantine World project , is a national undertaking, which has been directed, since 2017, from the ICS/SAS, in partnership with the Society for the Promotion of Byzantine Studies. It aims to create and develop an analytical prosopography of the people identifiable as active in the Byzantine world. Over the last decade this effort has been focused on the eleventh and twelfth centuries (1025-1180).