Recent Research in Imaging and Archaeological Science: Herculaneum and Beyond

This half-day conference, jointly sponsored by the Institute of Classical Studies and the Herculaneum Society, will present new research in the imaging of Herculaneum papyri (including the ultimate challenge of reading still rolled-up papyri), the digital restoration of palimpsests in Vienna, and the analysis of skeletons at Herculaneum.

Nigel Wilson, Oxford University: "Digital restoration of classical texts: a parallel to the Herculaneum papyri"
Silvia Soncin, York University: "Diet at 79AD Herculaneum: A Metabolic Approach"
Ira Rabin, Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung, Berlin: "Black writing inks from the 3rd century BCE to the 5th-6th centuries CE: Detecting and Tracing their Evolution"
Brent Seales, University of Kentucky: "Virtual Unrolling of Herculaneum Fragments and Scrolls: Recent Results"

In connection with this event the Herculaneum Society is setting up a hardship fund for students affected by the Covid crisis who are working on similar topics in Greco-Roman antiquity (papyrology, imaging, digital editing, archaeological science), or any topic related to Herculaneum and its environs, broadly conceived. The fund will be administered by the Herculaneum Society and donations can be made here. We encourage anyone who feels able to make a donation of whatever amount.

Author: School of Advanced Study

Speaker(s): Nigel Wilson (Oxford University); Silvia Soncin (York University); Ira Rabin (Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und-prüfung, Berlin); Brent Seales (University of Kentucky)

Organisations: Institute of Classical Studies

Event date: Saturday, 7 November 2020 - 2:00pm

Visit the event page