Dr Angela Pola
Visiting Fellow
(Università degli Studi di Roma Unitelma Sapienza)
Dates of visit: 18 February 2019 - 31 December 2020
My research focuses on Etruscan red-figure ceramic and on its connection with the late 5th/4th century B.C. Attic production.
In particular, the Ager Faliscus has proven to be a particularly interesting case study for the characteristic of being the location of one of the most important ceramic productions of the whole Etruscan-Latium area. Strongly updated to the conquests of classical Greek art, this production acts as a vehicle for the diffusion in the Italic area of a new stylistic language and new models. The works of the first Faliscan painters are so similar to those of the contemporary Attic painters that can be suggested that this production is the work of migrated Attic craftsmen.
During my stay at the ICS, I will be working on the final draft of my monograph “La più antica produzione falisca a figure rosse” and I will be able to complete some articles on materials discovered in various excavations.