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Organised by the Open University Creative Interactions Research Group

This event aims to bring together academics across the Humanities with creative practitioners from a range of disciplines, to share ideas about how academic ideas can be expressed creatively and to look at cross-overs between academic and practitioner-led ways of thinking and working. We will be showcasing innovative collaborations expressed through (for example), theatre, sound, visual arts, costume design, creative writing, and hearing the experiences of people who have worked in both arenas. We will touch on participatory practice and the ideas of ‘co-research’ which may underpin such projects.

The day will be interactive and immersive, and instead of traditional lectures or panel discussions, we will be incorporating mini-performances, demonstrations, and workshops into our programme. The day will also include plenty of free discussion time to allow participants to share ideas, ask questions of each other, and develop their networks.

There is a small charge of £12 per person. We have some funded places available, with priority given to freelancers, scholars without institutional affiliation, and students, but anyone for whom the cost may be a barrier should feel free to get in touch with the organisers (

Photograph: By Jove Theatre Company