Workshop on Digital and Practical Epigraphy (April 29–May 4)
Monday 14 January 2019
We invite applications for a six-day training workshop in digital and practical epigraphy at the Institute of Classical Studies, University of London, 29 April – 4 May 2019.
The workshop will be organised by Gabriel Bodard (ICS) and Katherine McDonald (Exeter), with additional training provided by Charlotte Tupman (Exeter), Charles Crowther (Oxford), Valeria Vitale (ICS) and Caroline Barron (Birkbeck). There will be no charge for the workshop. There will be a limited number of bursaries available to assist students and other unfunded scholars with the costs of travel and accommodation, provided by the AHRC Early Career Leadership Fellowship ‘Connectivity and Competition’ (PI Katherine McDonald).
The focus of the workshop will be on skills for Greek and Latin epigraphy, including squeeze-making, photogrammetry, reflectance transformation imaging (RTI), and EpiDoc. EpiDoc ( is a community of practice, recommendations and tools for the digital editing and publication of ancient texts based on TEI XML. No expert computing skills are required, but a working knowledge of Greek/Latin or other ancient language, epigraphy, and the Leiden Conventions will be assumed. The workshop is open to participants of all levels, from graduate students to professors and professionals. Although the focus is on Greek and Latin epigraphy, we welcome applications from those in other adjacent fields.
To apply for a place on this workshop please email by Friday 15 February 2019, including the following information:
- a brief description of your reason for interest
- your relevant background and experience
- if you would like to request a bursary, an estimate how much you would need.
If you have any questions before applying, please don’t hesitate to contact Katherine ( or Gabby (