Linked Pasts 6, University of London and British Library, December 2-16, 2020

Poster Session


The Linked Pasts 6 poster session and symposium social event will take place on Friday December 4, 2020 from 14:00–16:30 UTC. The session will be held in the platform, a virtual space that runs in your browser, and in which users can wander, gather into groups for video or chat, listen to presentations and announcements, and explore the event. All registered participants in the Linked Pasts symposium (register here) will receive a link and password to join this space.

At the beginning of the session there will be a round of lightning introductions (maximum 1 minute) from each poster presenter. We will then have two hours to explore the virtual poster hall. Each poster board will have two presenters waiting nearby. You can approach any presenter (or anyone else in the hall) and start a conversation, join a group, see their shared screen/poster, or listen to their presentation.


At the beginning of the session there will be a round of lightning introductions (maximum 1 minute) from each poster presenter. We will then have two hours to explore the virtual poster hall. Each poster board will have two presenters waiting nearby. You can approach any presenter (or anyone else in the hall) and start a conversation, join a group, see their shared screen/poster, or listen to their presentation.

The posters on display will be as follows:

1. John Bradley, DPRR and POMS as RDF: Challenges and Promises

2. Samuel Clark & Shai Gordin, MAPA: Mapping Ancient Uruk by Combining Gazetteer Analysis and Remote Sensing

3. Elizabeth Fentress, North African Heritage Archives Network

4. Nitzan Gado & Sinai Rusinek, Feeding a Gazetteer with Word2Vec

5. Sara Graveleau, Clarissa Stincone et al., Linking Authors and Works in the Dictionnaire Universel by Basnage de Beauval

6. Karl Grossner & Ruth Mostern, Linked Traces: Connecting places via historical events, people, objects and concepts

7. Ethan Gruber, Renee Gondek & Tyler Jo Smith,

8. Piraye Hacıgüzeller, Christophe Verbruggen, Pieterjan de Potter, Collaborative Linked Data Creation Platforms for the Arts and Humanities

9. Alexander Ilin-Tomich, Codifying (un)certainties in an ontology for a prosopography of the Egyptian Middle Kingdom

10. Rebecca Kahn, Valeria Vitale et al., From Linking Pasts to Linking People: a Pelagios (virtual) Marketplace

11. Lance Martin, Linking Entity Annotation

12. Christine Plumejeaud-Perreau, Mélissa Mimouni et al., PORTIC: a gazetteer for French ports (1749–1815): Dealing with imperfect data to publish an interoperable gazetteer

13. Jessie Pons & Frederik Elwert, DiGA and Beyond: Digitization and Linked Open Data for Gandhāran Art History

14. Pere Pau Ripollès, Manuel Gozalbes et al., Setting up a comprehensive digital catalogue of the coins of Ancient Spain

15. Matteo Romanello, Distributed Text Services (DTS): A Community-driven Text Interoperability API

16. Donald Sturgeon, Crowdsourcing Chinese history: distributed transcription, annotation, and datafication

17. Florian Thiery, Allard Mees & Dennis Gottwald, Linked Open Samian Ware: Transformation and modelling of vagueness and uncertainty

18. Andreas Wagner & Annemieke Romein, Entangled Ordinances: Linked Open Data for Legal History

19. Annemieke Romein & Vany Susanto, Early Modern Ordinances in the Dutch Republic and Dutch East India Company’s territories

20. Fernanda Olival, Renata Vieira et al., PM_1758: From Handwritten Records to its Links