Room G11, Senate House
This workshop is aimed at people teaching, intending to teach, or co-ordinating the teaching of ‘Less-Commonly Taught Ancient Languages’ (i.e., pre-modern languages other than Latin and Ancient Greek) in UK universities. Both a Sumerologist and a Sanskritist face similar challenges with subject visibility and student recruitment, availability of teaching resources, limited opportunities for subject-specific CPD, may be the only teacher of their language in their institution (or only person teaching any language in their department!). This workshop aims to strengthen collaborations between university teachers of less-commonly taught ancient languages across the UK, sharing expertise and good practice, and to support and promote the sustainability of ancient languages in higher education in the UK through providing an opportunity for the dissemination and exchange of good practice in academic leadership.
Advance booking is required.
10-10.15 Registration
10.15-10.30 Introduction
10.30-12.30 Pedagogy
Presentations from teachers of ancient languages reflecting on their experiences of teaching different ancient languages, sharing best practice and discussing pedagogical issues.
Confirmed speakers include: Selena Wisnom (University of Leicester, Akkadian), Maddalena Italia (University College London, Sanskrit), Andrew Pottorf (University of Cambridge, Akkadian and Sumerian)
12.30-14.00 Lunch break (lunch not provided)
14.00-16.30 Strategy
Presentations and panel discussion reflecting on the provision of ancient language teaching at a national level, student recruitment and widening participation at undergraduate level, the position of language teaching in UK degree programmes covering the ancient world, and the implications for researcher training.
Confirmed speakers include: Leire Olabarria (University of Birmingham, Egyptian), Siam Bhayro (University of Exeter, Syriac), Michele Bianconi (University of Oxford, Anatolian languages)