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The British International Research Institutes (or BIRIs) play a vital role in supporting and sustaining Classics researchers and their work, along with offering opportunities to receive residential awards or grants, build collaborations and often house world-class archives and libraries. They are nine institutes based across the Mediterranean, Black Sea, southern Europe, Africa, Türkiye, and the Middle East, Iran and Central Asia.

This training event focusses on four of the BIRIs: the British School at Rome (BSR), British School at Athens (BSA), British Institute at Ankara (BIAA), and British Institute for Libyan and North African Studies (BILNAS). Directors and staff from these institutes will provide information, advice and answer questions around topics such as applying for residential awards and grants, accessing and using resources and collections, building collaborative projects, and supporting personal research. By connecting researchers directly with the BIRI, this event aims to demystify what they are, what they offer and how they might support your research. It is open to researchers at all career stages, from graduates and postgraduates through to those senior and more experienced.

Panellists to be confirmed closer to the event.