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Following the post-REF 2021 briefings held by the ICS and CUCD for the Classics subject community in summer 2022, the ICS is hosting three online workshops in 2023-24 for authors of prospective REF 2029 impact case studies, as well as unit heads who are considering how best to support impact case study development in their institutions. In each of these, authors of case studies submitted for REF 2021 will reflect informally on what they did, including challenges they encountered, conveying hints and tips for those now preparing case studies. 

Three workshops will be organised around three themes: 

 · Heritage protection, access and reuse in local and global contexts

 · Supporting the creative economy and digital

 · Education, inclusion and wellbeing 

These workshops will be discursive and will be held under ‘Chatham House rules’ to enable frank discussion of the challenges and successes of impact case studies. This means that they will not be recorded. Once more definitive REF criteria have been published, we intend to follow with a workshop on ‘What does REF mean for me?’, which will cover all sections of REF and will be aimed especially at early-career researchers and those participating in REF for the first time.

  • Elton Barker (Open University) The Pelagios Network: developing methods, tools and communities for linking online historical resources 
  • Emma Cole (Queensland) Transforming theatre arts’ and artists’ understanding of ancient tragedy in modern performance 
  • Michael Squire (Cambridge) Forging new connections between ancient and modern art 
  • Maria Wyke (UCL) Classical antiquity in cinema

Chair: Emily Pillinger (KCL)

Advance booking is essential for this online event