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This Workshop, sponsored by the author team of the Oxford Handbook of Daily Life in the Roman World (co-editors: Kate Cooper and Hannah Platts) in collaboration with the ICS, aims to contribute to a re-framing of our understanding of daily life in the Roman world, considering its geographical, chronological, and cultural diversity. While in-person attendance will be limited by the size of the room, participation via Zoom is also possible. In-person spaces will be available on a first-come, first-served basis, and it will be possible to pre-register for Zoom attendance up to Friday, 5 April.

The format of the workshop will be as follows. A pack of short documents related to each chapter will be pre-circulated. Each of the six sessions will begin with a short introduction by the author of each of the chapters considered at the workshop, followed by general discussion.

10:00-10:30 Welcome and Coffee 

10:30-11:20 Session One Life in the Household 

April Pudsey (Manchester Metropolitan),‘Childhood'

Victoria Leonard (Coventry)‘Domestic Violence and Sexual Exploitation’ 

Stuart McKie (Open University), ‘Domestic Religion and Magic’ 

11:30-12:30 Session Two Work and Workers

Claire Holleran (Exeter), ‘The World of Work – the status of workers'

Sarah Bond (U of Iowa), ‘The World of Work – types of employment'

Koenraad Verboven (Gent), ‘Collegia’

Lauren Caldwell (U of Massachusetts), ‘Work in the Domestic Realm'

12:35-1:25 Session Three Housing, Health, and Hygiene

Jane Draycott (Glasgow), ‘Medicine, Disease, and Disability'

Saskia Stevens (Utrecht), ‘Housing (incl. domus insula, slums, rental properties, tenancy, and landlords)'

Konogan Beaufay (Cambridge), ‘Baths and Bathing (will include body grooming and hygiene)'

1:25-2:25 Lunch

2:25-3:15 Session Four Beyond the City

Nicole Moffatt (Independent), ‘Letters and Letter-Carriers'

John Bodel (Brown), ‘Life in the countryside'

Anna Walas (Nottingham), ‘Military Outposts'

3:25-4:15 Session Five Regional Variations and Trans-regional frames

Roman Roth (U of Cape Town), ‘Italy: The Exception or the Rule?'

Jen Baird (Birkbeck), ‘The East'

Dario Calomino (Verona), ‘Coins: their role as money and media in Rome and in the provinces'

4:15-4.45 Tea

4.45-5.20 Session Six Material Culture and the Household

Stephan Mols (Radboud), ‘Furniture and Decorative Objects'

Kelly Olson (Western), ‘Jewellery (and its representation)'

5:30-6:30 Keynote: Sophie Hay (ICS/Archaeological Park of Pompeii)

6:30-7:30 Drinks Reception