A workshop on experimental readings of Latin texts, in prose and verse, that suggest bi-directional influence. Participants will explore the fluid relationships between pairs of contemporary works offering parallels in terms of themes, imagery, and verbal links.
The workshop is an in-person event only. Lunch will be provided on site.
There is no attendance fee, but registration is required since capacity is limited.
9:30 Coffee and Tea Available
10:05-10:25 Tom Biggs (St Andrews): Introduction
10:25-10:45 Anke Walter (Newcastle): [Tibullus] 3.1 and 3.8
10:45-11:15 Discussion
11:15-11:35 Elena Giusti (Warwick): Horace Odes 1.12 and Virgil Aeneid 6.752-901
11:35-12:05 Discussion
12:05-12:15 Break
12:15-12:35 Ellen O’Gorman (Bristol): Livy 39.42-43 and Seneca Controversiae 9.2
12:35-13:05 Discussion
13:05-14:00 Lunch
14:00-14:20 Dalida Agri (Manchester): Silius Italicus Punica 5.608-631 and Statius Thebaid 7.779-823; 8.29-33
14:20-14:50 Discussion
14:50-15:10 Martin Dinter (KCL): Martial Epigrams 9.50, 9.56, 9.101 and 9.103
15:10-15:40 Discussion
15:40-16:00 Coffee/Tea
16:00-16:20 Jean-Michel Hulls (Dulwich): Martial Epigrams 9.43 (and 9.44) and Statius Silvae 4.6
16:20-16:50 Discussion
16:50-17:00 Final Remarks