Making Monsters book launch at the ICS
Last night (Thursday Sept 6th, 2018) was the launch party for the Making Monsters anthology, edited by Emma Bridges and Djibril al-Ayad, a mixed anthology of speculative fiction and accessible academic essays published by Publishing and sponsored by the ICS. Half a dozen of the authors and contributors briefly presented their works in front of an audience of 40 or so, and then signed copies of the book, which was available for sale from the press.
Some of the authors preparing to present of read from their work. Shown: Liz Gloyn, Tom Johnstone, Rachel Bender, Hûw Steer, Annegret Märten. (Also present were Catherine Baker, Valeria Vitale and George Lockett.)
And if the cover art were not beautiful enough (that’s a painting of a lonely gorgon by the very talented Robin Kaplan, by the way), essay contributor (and ICS research fellow) Valeria made it even more delicious by sculpting it into the frosting of a chocolate, ginger and marzipan cake!
Among the audience at the launch party were several visiting monsters, including Cerberos (centre left, centre right, right) and an anonymous Werewoolf (left).
More of the guests and audience visible in this panoramic image. (All photographs here courtesy of Simona Stoyanova or Martin Steer.)

For ongoing activities in the promotional campaign for this book, follow the #MakingMonsters hashtag on Twitter, or search for it on other social media. If you missed the chance to buy the book in person, there are sales links for online booksellers at the Press page. Or better yet, ask your local independent bookstore or library to order a copy, and of course it is held by the Institute of Classical Studies library!