Conference grants
Small grants - of up to a maximum of £500 - are available to support conferences and workshops throughout the UK. Preference will be given to proposals for meetings on emerging or endangered subjects, or otherwise themes that are innovative or especially interdisciplinary. While graduate students and early career researchers are encouraged to apply, these grants are intended to fund events that involve a range of speakers and participants from different academic career stages. Recurrent events or series that have received support in past years will only be considered for additional funding on presentation of a convincing case that they continue to break fresh ground. Priority will be given to new initiatives.
Applications should be made by conference organizers on the form [DOC] provided. Grants are intended to support specific academic aspects of the conference, such as enabling the participation of international scholars or delegates with no other means of support. It should not be used to cover catering costs. All costs should be properly itemised in the budget. Applicants will be expected to have already approached local sources of support in their own institutions. Since decisions will be made by committee four times a year, applicants are advised to apply well in advance of the proposed conference dates. Applications should be sent to
Future deadlines are:
1st September 2024
1st December 2024
1st March 2025
1st June 2025
Please note that the Institute is unable to give grants for individuals to attend conferences.