Combined Classics Library Bursaries Scheme – summer 2024

In partnership with the Hellenic Society and the Roman Society, the Institute of Classical Studies is running a small grants scheme to assist unfunded scholars who wish to visit the Combined Classics Library in summer 2024 in order to advance or complete a project of research or scholarship.

These grants (maximum award value £300) are intended to help unfunded postgraduate research students, unemployed or underemployed postdoctoral researchers, independent scholars who maintain an active research profile, and researchers employed on teaching-only contracts who receive no funding for such expenses from their employing institutions. Only such persons are eligible to apply. These awards are primarily aimed at researchers who are resident in or studying in the UK and Republic of Ireland.

Applications must be submitted via a short application form including a fully costed budget, and an outline CV of 1-2 pages. The form asks applicants to declare an academic reason for their use of the Library (e.g. to assist in completion of a research publication, to develop a funding application, or scope a new area of scholarship), and to confirm that they fall into an eligible category. 

Applications will be assessed by a small committee including representation from both Societies and from the ICS. Awards will be prioritised on grounds of need; other factors that may be considered if the scheme is over-subscribed include the scholar’s geographical distance from London and other major Classics research collections.

The awards will be made in advance, as a grant. Awardees must commit to submitting a short report on the outcomes of the award after they have carried out their visit(s).

Applicants should note that receiving an award does not in itself grant access to the Library. Awardees who are not already Library members at the time of application will need to apply separately for visitor or member access via one of the established routes (, foremost among which is Society membership.

The closing deadline for applications is 29 May 2024.

The application form can be found here.

Applications and queries to Valerie James, ICS Manager. Please note that the Library is closed from August 16th for two weeks, re-opening on September 2nd.