Institute of Classical Studies In this section

The T. B. L. Webster Fellowship was inaugurated in 1999. Professor E. J. Jory (Western Australia) was appointed as the first Webster Fellow. The Fellowship is awarded to scholars from universities outside the UK whose research interests are in ancient theatre and performance and its reception OR in classical art and archaeology. The successful candidate is expected to spend a minimum of six weeks at the Institute although the Fellowship may be held flexibly within one academic year. Applicants are invited to make a proposal for an event or training activity to be carried out at the ICS during their stay. Proposals for events or activities that engage with UK-based classical researchers and/or the national and international subject community are particularly welcome. 

Fellows currently receive an allowance of £6,000 toward the cost of travel and accommodation. Funding for an event or training activity will be up to a maximum of £1,000 to cover speakers' travel expenses. The ICS will provide a room and appropriate catering.

Applicants are asked to complete the application form and to send it to the Director with a short CV (4 pages maximum). The deadline for applications will be 9 July 2024. Applicants are asked to arrange for two academic references to be sent to the Director by 16 July 2024. We will endeavour to announce results by the end of August 2024. Successful candidates are encouraged to speak at events or participate in workshops elsewhere in the UK if invited, and some funds are available to make this possible.

A list of previous holders of the Webster Fellowship is available here.

Professor Laura Carrara (University of Pisa) will take up her Fellowship April-May 2025.