Non-stipendiary Research Fellowships
The Institute offers a number of non-stipendiary Research Fellowships and, except in exceptional circumstances, considers applications made by 1 May for Fellowships to begin at the start of the next academic year.
Non-stipendiary Research Fellowships are open to unestablished or independent Classical scholars from the UK and abroad who would benefit from an institutional affiliation but who are ineligible for the Early Career Research Associate competition. The Fellowships are held for a period of two years, renewable by agreement between the Fellow and the Institute's academic panel.
Fellows will be offered the use of shared Visiting Fellow space on a hot-desking basis, a SAS institutional email account, Institute membership of the Combined Classics Library, and access to ICS events and training (including concessionary rates for chargeable training such as the Summer School).
Active engagement with the Institute is encouraged during the term of the Fellowship. At the end of each two-year term, Fellows will be asked to give a short report on Fellowship activities.
Applications should be emailed to the Director and consist of a covering letter, accompanied by a short CV. Applicants should ask two referees to email references to the Director by 1 May.