Through the generosity of Lord Normanby, the Society of Dilettanti is in normal circumstances able to offer annual awards for students of classical studies at a UK University for visiting classical sites and museums in Greece, Italy or the Eastern Mediterranean. The intention of the Awards is to assist those would be most likely to benefit from such travel, and who would not be able to do so without financial assistance.

The Awards are intended to provide an opportunity for visual and aesthetic appreciation of works of classical art and architecture. Their object is not simply to further an academic study, nor to fund excavation work.

Appropriate candidates would be undergraduates planning an independent visit to the Mediterranean in the Easter or summer vacation. Where the Foreign Office has advised against travel to a particular country, awards will not be made for travel to that country. Previous award-holders will not be considered.

Scholarships are expected to be up to £1,000. Applicants should provide a 1-2 page CV, give a statement of their areas of interest and reasons for wanting to visit the proposed destinations (roughly 500 words), plus an itinerary including the dates of planned travel, and an outline budget.

Applications must not exceed four A4 pages, and should be sent in PDF format.

Candidates should send their applications by email to the Director of the  Institute of Classical Studies At the same time they should invite two academic referees to e-mail the Director on their behalf. The closing date for receipt of applications and references is 31 January 2025.

Successful candidates will be asked to submit a brief report on their travels to the awarding Committee.