George Grote Prize in Ancient History (2024)

The George Grote Prize in Ancient History is offered every year by the Institute of Classical Studies from the fund bequeathed by the late Professor V. L. Ehrenberg. In 2024, two prizes will be offered. One prize is open to PhD candidates of the University of London and one prize to Early Career Researchers at the University of London.
Award for PhD candidates
The Prize of £3000 will be awarded for an original and hitherto unpublished study on a topic in ancient history, preferably Greek or Hellenistic history. Ancient history may be taken to include related topics in historiography, archaeology and art history. If in doubt about the suitability of a topic, please consult the Chair.
The prize is open to current research students of the University of London who have completed no more than four years of full-time research (or the part-time equivalent) by 31 August of the current calendar year. Previous winners of the prize may not enter again. Nor may candidates submit the same piece of work more than twice. Entries will be judged by the George Grote Prize Committee, made up of teachers of ancient history within the University of London.
Candidates are asked to submit one chapter of their MPhil or PhD thesis (up to a maximum of 10,000 words including footnotes but excluding bibliography) and an abstract of the thesis in progress. Before entering, all candidates must consult their supervisor about the appropriateness of their entry, and every entry must be accompanied by the supervisor’s signed approval.
Entries (in the form of electronic attachment, preferably in PDF format) should arrive no later than 4pm on Wednesday 27 March 2024 to: Valerie James, Institute of Classical Studies, The winner will be announced in late June.
Award for Early Career Researchers
The Prize of £3,000 will be awarded for published work in the form of a journal article or single chapter but not a book, on a topic in ancient history, preferably Greek or Hellenistic history. Ancient history may be taken to include related topics in historiography, archaeology and art history. If in doubt about the suitability of a topic, please consult the Chair.
The prize is open to ancient historians at KCL, UCL, RHUL, BBK and the ICS who have at the time of the submission deadline spent no more than 4 years in an academic post, FT equivalent, including time spent in previous academic posts at other universities. Allowances will be made for career breaks. Entries will be judged by the George Grote Prize Committee, made up of teachers of ancient history within the University of London.
Submissions for both the PhD and the ECR awards are not allowed in the same year.
Entries (in the form of electronic attachment, preferably in PDF format) should arrive no later than 4pm on Wednesday 31 July 2024 to: Valerie James, Institute of Classical Studies, The winner will be announced in late September/early October.
Professor Catharine Edwards
Chair, George Grote Prize Committee